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  • MGR: Move the wxWidget version information to the about box. printf and Unicode strings don't play well with one another.
  • MGR: Fix up the OnHelp features of the BOINC Manager so they all point to manager_links.php.
  • client: fix compiler warning
  • client: fix the updating of CPU time left in RR simulation; don't print msgs about non-CPU-intensive projects
  • client, scheduler: there were a few places where we had 1e9 instead of 1 gig (2^20)
  • client: fix a long-standing error: if prefs say leave X GB free, and BOINC is using Y GB, and there are Z GB free, the limit on BOINC is Y + Z - X (not Z - X)
  • client: fix compiler warning indicating real error in RR simulation
  • client: fix bug that caused occasional assert in pop_heap()for the preemptable_task_list. The problem was that the ordering predicate (more_preemptable()) could change on the fly, making the heap inconsistent. Instead, we create a vector, sort it by increasing preemptability, then pop off the end
  • MGR: Use Sleep instead of Yield for the async thread loop. On Posix systems all Yield translates to is sched_yield but only if HAVE_SCHED_YIELD is defined in the wxWidget config file. If it isn't defined it becomes a null op. The async thread doesn't really need millisecond response times. Have it check every 100 milliseconds for an RPC to process
  • client: preemptability ordering was messed up
  • MGR: Reverse earlier change in RPC thread logic: restore Yield() because Sleep(100) caused undesirable latency. Pause the thread immediately on receipt of wxEVT_RPC_FINISHED event. Reduce RPC thread CPU usage while not connected to a client
  • MGR: Create an Exit dialog for the Manager.
  • MGR: Allow the manager to shutdown the CC even when it was installed as a daemon.
  • MGR: Code cleanup
  • MGR: Provide a way to enable/disable launching from the BOINC Manager at startup from within the BOINC Manager itself.
  • MGR: Add a command line argument which specifies that the Manager was launched by the OS.
  • SCR: Remove the code that checks for the BOINC Manager shortcuts
  • MGR: Fix Simple_GUI help button URL.
  • MGR: On non-Mac and Non-Windows systems, have RPC thread call nanosleep() for 1 nanosecond instead of wxThread::Yield(),because some Linux systems may not support POSIX sched_yield(), in which case wxThread::Yield() returns immediately.
  • MGR: RPC thread: wait for connection with 1 ms delays initially, pause RPC thread after creation on non-Windows systems
  • MGR: Text cleanup
  • MGR: Bug fixes for the new Exit dialog
  • MGR: Don't display the 'Run BOINC at startup checkbox' for any platform other than Windows. It has no effect on Mac since the Mac doesn't automatically start BOINC Manager with any command line arguments
  • MGR: Give the option to shutdown the CC even if the manager didn't launch it. This only applies to when the manager and client are on the same machine
  • MGR: properly save the 'DisplayShutdownClientDialog' setting
  • MGR: Async RPCs: RPC thread is now a joinable thread which does one RPC and exits. Main thread creates a new RPC thread for each RPC request after waiting for any previous RPC thread to exit. This simplifies the logic, eliminates Yield(), Sleep() and nanosleep() calls from RPC thread and will hopefully eliminate exess CPU usage on Fedora
  • MGR: Async RPCs: fix memory leaks, KillRPCThread() tries to end thread gracefully before killing it.
  • MGR: On Mac only, remove checkbox asking whether to shutdown CC.
  • MGR: Fix crash bug on non_Windows systems in Options dialog
  • MGR: Tweak the shutdown logic so that it can still shutdown the BOINC service even though it didn't start it.
  • MGR: It BOINC Manager starts the BOINC deamon on the mac don't bother trying to shut it down. (reverting to previous behaviour)
  • MGR: revise exit dialog text, use the names in the skin file
  • MGR: Revise text one more time
  • client: make host CPID a function of: MAC addresses + hostname + IP addr This means that a given host will generally always get the same CPID. Helpful e.g. on grids where the client gets installed repeatedly
  • client: add OS name into the hash for host CPID (for multi-OS hosts)
  • MGR: Only tweak the BOINC was started by us variable on Windows
  • Mac: Add new source files mac_address.cpp,.h to XCode project.
  • MGR: Fix compiler warnings on non-Windows builds.
  • MGR: Filter wxEVT_TASKBAR_MOVE events only on Windows
  • MGR: fix verbose text
  • MGR: Move the old exit message from the SkinManager file to the new Exit dialog.
  • MGR: Consolidate the new exit message to one line. Sun Studio doesn't concat the seperate strings together during compilation like the other compilers to when building for Unicode
  • MGR: Provide a way to re-enable the Exit Dialog.