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  • Mac client: fix bug in build script so that curl-7.19.2 actually does build with c-ares 1.6.0. Fixes #830. (Checked into boinc_core_release_6_6_2 tag and boinc_core_release_6_6a branch.)
  • client: fix messages
  • client: fetch work from non-CPU-intensive projects
  • client: compile fix, remove spurious message
  • MGR: Make sure the UI thread doesn't call a GUI RPC that uses the SET_LOCALE class.
  • MGR: fix compile error.
  • client: if an app has avg_ncpus < 1, run it at above-idle priority even if it doesn't use a coprocessor.
  • scheduler: added an "nci" (non CPU intensive) plan class to sched_plan.cpp. It declares the use of 1% of a CPU. The above two changes are intended to allow the QCN app to run at above_idle priority, which it needs in order to do 500Hz polling.
  • API: the std::string version of boinc_resolve_filename() acts the same as the char[] version.
  • client sandbox: add details in switcher_exec "execv failed" message.
  • MGR: Work around bug in generic list control GetSelectedItemCount()which caused incorrect update of buttons in Projects tab after detaching from a project; remove redundant UpdateSelection() call.
  • MGR: Remove override of GetSelectedItemCount() introduced yesterday; instead, call DeleteItem() rather than SetItemCount() when number of rows has been reduced, to allow virtual ListCtrl adjust its list of selected rows (and thus keep its count in sync with reality.)
  • MGR: Don't use wxT() to describe parameters passed to GUI RPCs.
  • MGR: In CBOINCClientManager::StartupBOINCCore() allow time for Client to start up, to avoid repeated attempts which put spurious messages "Another instance Another instance of BOINC is running" in stderrdae.txt.
  • client: simplify message describing scheduler request; to get work request details, use <sched_op_debug>
  • client: when preempting a process, remove it from memory if:
       1) it uses a coprocessor
       2) it has checkpointed since the client started
       3) it's being preempted because of a user action (suspend job, project, or all processing) or user preference (time of day, computer in use)
  • client: clear debts when reset project
  • client: respect work-fetch backoff for non-CPU-intensive projects
  • client: for non-CPU-intensive project, fetch new job if no currently running jobs
  • client: skip non-CPU-intensive projects in debt calculations
  • manager: show resource backoff times correctly
  • client: if we're doing an RPC (for whatever reason) to a non-CPU-intensive project without a job, ask for one.
  • client: change the LTD policy so that
       1) net adjustment for eligible projects is zero;
       2) max LTD is zero