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  • Add script to clean up web cache. Sometimes the cache gets so full that it takes 30 secs just to compute free and used disk space, so that normal cleanup times out before it does anything. I recommend running clean_cache.php once a day.
  • user web: call set_time_limit(0) in cache_check_diskspace(). This will hopefully avoid the situation described above.
  • manager: use user-friendly app names (fix to work w/ 5.4.11)
  • MGR: Fix build break for Unicode support.
  • MGR: Possble fix for the Simple GUI messages dialog?
  • Server: change the usage of host.credit_per_cpu_sec so that it is the recent average of granted credit per CPU sec, as computed by Bruce's update_credit_per_cpu_sec() function (finally, a use for hyperbolic trig functions in BOINC). Prior to this it was the most recent value of claimed credit per CPU sec, which is not as useful. Add a new non-DB member to HOST, claimed_credit_per_cpu_sec, for this purpose.
  • db_dump.C: export host.credit_per_cpu_sec
  • move update_credit_per_cpu_sec() from lib/util.C to sched/validate_util.C
  • manager: don't prepend "(Activities suspended by user)" to result status. There is no longer a notion of "activities"
  • MGR: Streamline the message dialog sync operation a little bit.
  • MGR: Fix crashing issue do to invalid type casts, wxWidgets implements its own form of type casts for C++ objects which probably uses the basic RTTI of the compiler at some level, but it also has a few checks and balences as well. So if you get a hankering of using dynamic_cast or static_cast use wxDynamicCast and wxStaticCast instead.
  • install validate_util.h for external building of validators
  • make dir_hier_move and dir_hier_path output help/usage strings
  • add help/usage string to validator.C
  • add explicit build-rule for client/switcher [required to fix 'make tags']
  • fix Manager text (see above)
  • Update libCurl to 7.16.0 and use sync name resolves instead of async name resolves.
  • core client: fix a bug that could cause computation to stop. The problem: if we suspended a task by sending it a <quit/> message, we were changing its scheduler state to CPU_SCHED_PREEMPTED but not changing its task state (PROCESS_EXECUTING). If, for some reason, the process didn't exit right away, the scheduler would treat it as still running, since it builds its "currently running" list based on task_state. Solution: the scheduler shouldn't be looking at task_state. Use scheduler_state instead. It's still a mystery why the app wasn't quitting.
  • db_dump: don't write team.nusers; it's meaningless
  • add explicit build-rule for client/switcher [required to fix 'make tags']
  • fix boinc_UnzipToMemory()
  • correctly build unzip-DLL [for use in boinc_UnzipToMemory()]
  • manager: update makefile for ViewMessagesGrid and ViewProjectsGrid source files