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Zur Übersicht

  • Sandbox: fix switcher call to kill to eliminate error message and to correctly send SIGKILL instead of SIGTERM
  • client: when you read a file into a string with:
               read a line X
               S += X
       it performs real bad if the file is large
       (allocation of std::string seems to stupid)
       So I changed this to
           find file size n
           read file into malloced buf size n
           S = buf
           free buf
  • lib: moved functions to appropriate file
  • client: fix two XML parsing bugs:

1) XML_PARSER::parse_int() and parse_double() wouldn't parse <foo></foo>, and in fact would consume the </foo>, so that the resulting skip_unexpected() would skip the entire rest of the document.

This was exercised because my checking of 17 Apr set the default for work_buf_min_days as "" rather than 0.

2) XML_PARSER::scan_tag() was removing spaces, so <venue name="home"> parsed as venuename="home" This actually didn't do any damage.

  • client: read only first 63KB of stderr.txt
  • Mac: if (log_flags.state_debug) print debugging info when rename of client_state_next.xml to client_state.xml fails
  • Sandbox: fix build break