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  • MGR: fix conflict in Mac builds which was introduced by commit 9dcfb88.
  • MGR: add #define USE_LIST_CACHE_HINT to determine which platforms should use on EVT_LIST_CACHE_HINT and which should use EVT_LEFT_DOWN to trigger checking for item selection / deselection in wxListCtrl. This makes it independent of USE_NATIVE_LISTCONTROL. This is an improvement on my commit 70639a7.
  • MGR: Fix error in my commit a862fa5
  • MGR: Remove debug_level stuff, it should be defined in the setup.h file used by wxWidgets instead.
  • API/client/vboxwrapper: show notice if need Vbox upgrade. Vboxwrapper detects known buggy versions of Vbox and calls boinc_temporary_exit(). The "Incompatible version" message appears in the task status in the BOINC Manager, where some users may never see it. It needs to appear as a notice, telling the user to upgrade VBox. To do this, I added an optional argument to boinc_temporary_exit() saying that the message should be delivered as a notice. This is conveyed to the client by adding a line containing "notice" to the temp exit file. I changed the client and vboxwrapper to use this.
  • MGR: add #if !USE_LIST_CACHE_HINT t in one more place that should have been included in commit a39f4f9.
  • VBOX: Fix typo
  • VBOX: Write output from vboxmonitor (running within the guest VM) to stderr as soon as it is written to the guest VM log. VirtualBox recreates the guest VM log every time the guest VM is launched. If the VM is using vboxmonitor to write the status of the job or any potential failures of mounting the shared directory it might have been lost under the old policy.
  • VBOX: Write the desired checkpoint interval to stderr on startup and every time it changes.
  • VBOX: Report CPU Time instead of elapsed time to boinc_report_app_status()
  • WINBUILD: Update vboxwrappers version to 26081.
  • VBOX: Base checkpoints on CPU time instead of elapsed time.
  • WINBUILD: Update vboxwrapper's version to 26082.
  • client: delete per-project files when detach project
  • client: when detach a project, remove the slot directories of its tasks
  • client: when remove project, delete slot dirs and notice files; leave job log
  • MGR: disable all wxWidgets debugging support in release builds on Mac (asserts. logging, etc.).
  • Remove Manager code for writing asserts to log files; it is no longer used since wxASSERT() is now disabled for all platforms.
  • MGR: fix compiler warning.
  • Sort filenames in the user file sandbox
  • VBOX: Make the minimum checkpoint interval project configurable.
  • VBOX: Accumulate CPU Time across restarts of the wrapper.
  • VBOX: Ugh, I missed assigning the starting_cpu_time variable when restoring from a checkpoint.
  • change "core client" to "client" in some comments.
  • WINBUILD: Update vboxwrapper's version to 26084.
  • VBOX: Setting the minimum checkpoint interval should not cause the wrapper to believe that it should run in headfull mode.
  • wrapper: macro-subsitute GPU_DEVICE_NUM in cmdline passed to app
  • VBOX: If vboxwrapper is running in standalone mode (not under BOINC), run the VM in head full mode.
  • VBOX: Only get the updated CPU time every tenth iteration through the main loop.
  • VBOX: When restarting and restoring from a checkpoint, make sure we do not checkpoint again until after the minimum checkpoint interval.
  • VBOX: Switch back to using elapsed time in determining checkpoint based timings.
  • client: fix typo that cause GPUs specified in cc_config.cml to be ignored
  • client: maintain availability info, and export via GUI RPC. Maintain the following items: Per session (i.e. this run of the client):
    • active duration (computation enabled)
    • GPU active duration (GPU computation enabled) Total (i.e. since the client first ran here)
      • duration (time the client has run)
      • active duration (as above)
      • GPU duration

Export them in the get_state() RPC; print them in boinccmd.

  • client: tweak to last commit
  • client: maintain # of success and failed jobs per project; report in GUI RPC
  • MGR: Fix typos in my commit 70639a7 for using EVT_LIST_CACHE_HINT instead of EVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED or EVT_LIST_ITEM_DESELECTED to immediately detect selection changes in generic wxListCtrl for updating task control panels.
  • MGR: For detection of list selection and list deselection; trigger on EVT_LIST_CACHE_HINT only for Windows; both EVT_LIST_CACHE_HINT and mouse click events work on Mac and Linux, but EVT_LIST_CACHE_HINT generates far more events than we need, so using mouse click events is more efficient. Unfortunately, using mouse click events does not work on Windows
  • MGR: Fix progress bars in Linux CBOINCListCtrl by basing it on generic wxListCtrl instead of native wxListCtrl
  • MGR: Fix compiler warnings.
  • client: fix bug that caused app_config settings to persist incorrectly. We needed to clear the app_configs and app_version_configs vectors in PROJECT if app_config.xml isn't there
  • client, Linux: print to stderr if can't parse /proc/x/stat
  • client: Update Mad build script, Xcode project and build instructions to use OpenSSL-1.0.1h.
  • MGR: Fix an assert and correct a comment
  • MGR: Fix cursor adjustment when moving mouse over wxListCtrl header column separators.
  • lib: /proc/<pid>/stat now uses 64-bit integer types.
  • lib: bug fix for previous commit
  • lib: provide reference to source for future reference.
  • Manager: show # of tasks completed/failed in project properties
  • API, Unix (affects wrappers): fix bug that caused zero CPU time reported. On Linux, wrappers measure CPU time using process_tree_cpu_time(), which scans /proc/*/stat and parses each one. If a parse fails it would give up and report zero CPU time. The problem: if a command (i.e. executable filename) contained ")", the parse for that process would fail, and we'd report zero CPU. The fix: if a parse fails, ignore that process and keep going. We assume that BOINC app exectables don't have ")" in their name.
  • API: back out long long stuff; not needed
  • MGR: optimize my changes of commit a8cc13f for better efficiency
  • MGR: eliminate almost all overhead from my commit a8cc13f unless assistive software is in use
  • MGR: One more efficiency tweak to my previous commit dcc0afa