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  • client: eliminate the need to write the state file on each checkpoint.Instead, write the info into a file in the slot directory, and check for these files on startup. This should reduce the overhead of state-file writing on machines with lots of cores. There will still be a flurry of writes each time a job finishes, but reducing that overhead would be a larger job.
  • client: make sure we write the state file after a failed RPC.
  • SS: launch default screensaver graphics app as user and group boinc_project, not boinc_master.
  • Fix compiler errors ( From: Sascha Manns )
  • Unix build: make it work if "diff" is missing (??) from Michael Tughan
  • Add ICU to the BOINC depends list. It is needed for SQLLite3 which will be needed for reading Firefox 3.x cookies.
  • Mac MGR: Add keyboard shortcuts command-shift-S, command-shift-A to switch views
  • client: fixed a crash caused by using %f to write working-set size into a fixed-size buffer. use %e instead. TODO: figure out why WSS was huge.
  • fix app_plan crash (fixes #874)
  • client: if detach a project, adjust debts and trigger CPU sched and work fetch.
  • Mac MGR: Changes to build with full Unicode support with wxWidgets-2.8.10
  • Fix GPL License
  • MGR: Put keyboard shortcuts CTRL+SHIFT+S and CTRL+SHIFT+A in View Menu so their functionality is not hidden.
  • client: improve CPU sched debug messages (say what kind of job and why we're scheduling it)
  • client: log messages describing GPUs: one line per GPU; fixes #879
  • client: new approach to handling multiple GPUs. old: find fastest GPU, and pretend that others are the same. Problem: other GPUs might be less capable, and not able to handle jobs sent by server. new: find the most "capable" GPU, use others that are equivalent, don't use those that are not. "Capable" is defined by:
    • compute capability (i.e., hardware version)
    • driver version
    • memory size
    • FLOPs in that priority order.
  • client: fix crash bug in CUDA init
  • client: When a preemptable task wasn't preempted (e.g. because it hadn't finished its time slice) we were failing to mark it as scheduled.